Governance in the age of Wikileaks — Part 3

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If we are to keep the inter­net as a rel­a­tively free speech zone, we need to start defin­ing some lines we are not will­ing to cross. Much has been said about Visa, Mas­ter­card, Ama­zon, Pay­pal, and oth­ers point­ing to the fine print in their con­tract to jus­tify their action when it came to shut­ting down Wik­ileaks. How­ever, what are we to do if we want to pre­vent future wikileaks-type orga­ni­za­tion to suf­fer the same fates. And if we do not, where will we draw the line when it comes to the press?

Some peo­ple may argue that there is a need for more detailed rights spec­i­fy­ing what type of con­tent is legal and so on but I live that to the courts to decide. The idea here is to cre­ate a frame­work that allows for rights to be man­aged in the very long run. The 3 basic rights, along with the con­tention that “no indict­ment, no vio­la­tion” rep­re­sent, at their most basic level, some­thing we should require of any inter­net ser­vice com­pany. Why not ask your providers to sign on to those basic rights: they would cover them legally while pro­vid­ing the great­est pos­si­ble amount of free­dom for any­one to express them­selves on the internet.



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