Six interesting pieces from this week

Instead of a steady bombardment of news clippings through my Amplify-stream, I thought I’d try a different approach this week (a bit more on that next week, probably). These are five interesting pieces of news/information that I selected for you:

Unplugging from Location Based Services because of privacy concerns

Ray Wang writes a thoughtful piece on his use of Location Based Services (LBS) and the privacy risks involved that led him to stop using any of these services:

  • Lack of control of my personal information.
  • Minimal awareness on who’s using my information.
  • Non-existent adoption of industry privacy standards.

“LBS is in it’s infancy.  We still have time to make sure our fundamental locational privacy rights are in place.  Apps providers, carriers, and other location based service and solution providers should quickly agree on end user privacy standards.  Yes, one may argue that you are providing a free service, but is it really free when you are selling our information?”

As I am in the middle of developing a LBS-project, this is something that I take to heart and will attempt to do right.

Read the full article here:

Brilliant, Crazy, Cocky: Sarah Lacy’s New Book Is All That. But…

TechCrunch Editor Sarah Lacy’s new book Brilliant Crazy, Cocky: How The Top 1% of Entrepreneurs Profit From Global Chaos has been out for a couple of weeks now. Michael Arrington read it, re-read it and now urges everyone to read it and understand that:

“Sarah’s book opened my eyes. But not to the risk that Silicon Valley can be toppled. Rather, she opened my eyes to the untenable constraints that people around the world have to work with. And damnit, that needs to change.

Silicon Valley isn’t a place. It’s an idea. And whether you’re making toilet paper in Rwanda or building gaming companies in Asia, you’re part of it.”

Astute insight, for an American ;-). Anyways, the book is on my to-read list.

Keen On… The Domino Project: Seth Godin Reinvents the Book Business (TCTV)

Andrew Keen, primarily known for his grumpy outlook on amateur-produced content, has a TV-show on TechCrunch in which he manages to get some exciting guests. He also puts his somewhat cynical, distrusting view on all-things-new to good use by asking simple but challenging questions.

Sethz Godin does not need smart questions to sell his ideas and convictions, but he does come off open and honest in his interview with Andrew Keen. Seth sheds some more light on the Domino project, that just might make a big difference in the traditional world of book publishing.

Read the entire article here:

Can You Really Outsource Social Media?

:  (by @baekdal )

That’s a question that is on the minds of a lot of people and companies. The obvious answer from Thomas Baekdal is:”yes, and no”. and rightly so:

  • You *cannot* outsource who you are, or what you do!
  • You *cannot* outsource a social culture or wanting to connect with your customers!
  • You *can* outsource all the steps involved in establishing a connection!
  • You *can* outsource social monitoring and frequently asked questions!

Read his entire article here:

NOTE: We might be able to help you sort all this out. Leave me a message or come over to to get in touch.

5 Drivers for Future Business Models

The advertising world is changing, as is the way we as consumers engage with brands and think about value and spending money and time on things. Kia Davis (VISA Europe) put together a list of five insights that provide interesting ways to construct Business Models that take advantage of the changing behavior of consumers. I selected just two to highlight, since they appear counter-intuitive at first glance:

1. Consumers will pay for content – A decade ago media companies thought that consumers would never pay for online content, but the rise of app sales, in-app sales, ebook downloads, and crowdfunding models have proven them wrong. Today, 38% of iPhone owners say they would pay for magazines which you can read on a PC or portable device, compared to 29% of the general population. Consumer-paying models allow startups greater flexibility in pricing and business models, because revenue can come from the mix of advertisers, product providers, and consumers. In difficult times and as the business progresses, pricing to different parties can adjust.

2. People spend more when it’s not ‘real money’ – If startups can separate the payment and the transaction, for instance through upfront fees in exchange for credits that can be used for other items, people will likely spend more. Similarly, if a subscription model has inclusive benefits, people are more likely to view these as ‘freebies’. This also can allow the startup to reward its users through credits/currencies that are likely to stay within the system. For game developers,Facebook credits generate higher total revenues per user compared to games that use traditional currencies.”

Think about that. Then reconsider the business model for the stuff you’re working on right now. Read the entire article here:

Spend Wisely. Finally, an Investment Roadmap for Social

Jeremiah Owyang presents two interesting things for any company looking to invest more budget into Social Media.

First, there is a simple quiz to measure how mature the social aspects of your company’s business is

Secondly, you should adjust your buying/investments according to the maturity that came out of the quiz.

Obviously, you might think that this is a simplification of how the real world works. But in fact, it is even simpler. You cannot force social media and good social behavior on your company or co-workers. So keep your money in your pocket and focus on becoming socially minded first. Again, we might be able to help you out there, if you feel uncomfortable about that. Read his entire post here:

Tell me what you think?

How do you like this selection of six pieces of information that i tried to curate for you? Was it worth reading? Let me know in the comments!


(Dutch) Stagiar gezocht voor

Ergens in 2007 kreeg ik het idee om Twitter-berichten op een leuke manier te visualiseren, en bedacht me dat ze -rondom een kernwoord gebundeld- dan een mooi inkijkje konden geven in bijvoorbeeld de buzz rondom seminars en congressen. Flash-guru Erik Katerborg snapte het idee, en maakte er een eerste versie van.

Ondertussen zijn we drie jaar verder en wordt de nieuwste versie van Twitterfountain op meer dan 6000 websites wereldwijd gebruikt. Het gebruik van Twitterfountain op congressen neemt hand over hand toe, en steeds meer mensen gebruiken de term ‘Twitterfountain’ als algemene naam voor een backchannel.

Nieuwe versie Twitterfountain in voorbereiding

Om de verdere ontwikkeling van Twitterfountain mogelijk te maken, legden we contact met CDEF Holding, de mensen achter Seats2Meet en We hebben gezamelijk een prachtig nieuw concept voor Twitterfountain in elkaar gezet, en gaan binnenkort verder bouwen aan iets waar we volgens ons nóg veel meer mensen blij mee kunnen maken.

Stagiair gezocht

We zijn per direct op zoek naar een stagiair (HBO-niveau) die ons kan helpen om de komende maanden Twitterfountain regelmatig in het nieuws/onder de aandacht te brengen van de wereld. Dat kan (en moet) online gebeuren, en dus wereldwijd, maar mag ook best nog resulteren in exposure op TV in bijvoorbeeld DWDD. Daarnaast help je ons bij het opzetten van een communicatie-/marketingplan voor de introductie van de nieuwe versie van Twitterfountain die we in ontwikkeling hebben.

Uiteraard verwachten we van je dat Social Media snapt en zelf intensief gebruikt. Je werkt ongeveer drie dagen per week vanuit ons hoofdkwartier.

Meer weten? Bel of mail me even. / 06 53766964 / @lykle. Lijkt het je wat? Mail me je CV en motivatie en nodig jezelf uit voor een kop koffie.

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Ondernemen in 3D (en 1 W)

Vandaag was de zesde editie van de Lifehacking Academy. Op eerdere edities had ik verschillende versies van mijn Web2.0/Communicatie2.0-lezing gehouden. Ondertussen waren er al veel meer mensen die al die mooie online tools uitleggen en dacht ik dat het tijd was voor een nieuw verhaal.

Zodoende woonden twintig mensen vandaag de premiere bij van ‘Ondernemen in 3D’, mijn adaptatie van Ritzo’s “Je Ding, Je Doosje en Je Dansje“. Oftewel: hoe ondernemen op zijn eenvoudigst uitgelegd kan worden.

De reacties waren positief. Uit de feedback van de toehoorders (die zich overigens niet onbetuigd lieten wanneer ik tussendoor vragen stelde, fijn!) kwam naar voren dat het een goed idee os om her en der nog wat cases toe te voegen, om de kwartjes helemaal perfect te laten landen, en dat het deel over Je Dans nog wel wat meer vulling mocht krijgen. Logisch, daar hoort natuurlijk toch dat Web2.0/Communicatie2.0-verhaal in te zitten… 😉

Disclaimer: leuke allitererende woorden gebruiken betekent natuurlijk niet dat je geen acht moet slaan op wat verstandige mensen over ondernemerschap te melden hebben. Maar dit was dan ook maar de korte, lifehacking-samenvatting.

Update: Erno Hannink was er ook, en filmde een groot deel van de presentatie:
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