Steve Wozniak to the FCC: Keep the Internet Free

This only happens in America, or does it?

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The early Internet was so accidental, it also was free and open in this sense. The Internet has become as important as anything man has ever created. But those freedoms are being chipped away. Please, I beg you, open your senses to the will of the people to keep the Internet as free as possible. Local ISP’s should provide connection to the Internet but then it should be treated as though you own those wires and can choose what to do with them when and how you want to, as long as you don’t destruct them. I don’t want to feel that whichever content supplier had the best government connections or paid the most money determined what I can watch and for how much. This is the monopolistic approach and not representative of a truly free market in the case of today’s Internet.



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Instagram Expands the Definition of a Check-In with the Help of Foursquare

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So what do you do if you are Foursquare and want to broaden your user base beyond early adopters and make your service part of the everyday behavior of more users?  You fish where the fish are – invest in your APIs, and make it easy for other services to integrate your functionality.
This is exactly what Foursquare did, and the strategy seems to be paying huge dividends in the form of Instagram.
Clearly this is a nice win for Foursquare, and one that is likely moving the check-in dial far more than some of their big brand partnerships.
But what’s going on here is something much larger.  It’s the broadening of the definition of the check-in to include things like taking a photo or using your Safeway card.
You get the picture.  By exposing their APIs, Foursquare has begun the work of mapping all sorts of activities to the check in gesture, in the process vastly broadening their insight into the real world behavior of consumers.



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Title Junk, via Daring Fireball

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That’s a good rule of thumb for designing and writing page titles: pick a name (and, for CMS templates, a pattern) that makes sense as the name of a bookmark for that page. Most bookmarking tools — the ones built into web browsers, and bookmarklets for third-party apps — do use the page title as the default bookmark name. Tools that help people tweet links to articles use the page title as the default description. So make titles useful. Write them for humans, not search engine spiders. Putting SEO keywords in the page title (a) doesn’t actually help your page’s rank in search engine indexes, and (b) makes things harder for people trying to tweet a link, bookmark your page, or scan it from a list of currently open windows and tabs in their browser. Trust the Googlebot to figure it out.



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