Social Media voor Congressen: hoe pak je het aan?

Op uitnodiging van MPI Nederland mocht ik vanochtend de aftrap verzorgen van een educational session over de mogelijkheden van Digitale Communicatie voor Congressen. Ik beperkte me tot een overview en vijf stappen om de inzet van Social Media goed voor te bereiden.

Na mij spraken onder andere Oliver de Leeuw en Patrick de Laive. Oliver vertelde inspirerend over de manier waarop TEDxAmsterdam gebruik maakt van Social Media en Patrick bood een openhartig kijkje achter de schermen van een van de grootste technologie-congressen van dit moment: The Next Web.

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Read: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Gladwell argues that both nature and nurture play a big part in explaining the successes that capture our attention. Not only should you work hard at developing your skills (the magical threshold of 10.000 hours of practice sets you apart from the majority by default), but you should also realize that your background and current social economic surroundings play a big role in whether or not you will succeed.

My take away: make sure to not just practice your skills, but also try and understand which opportunities are hidden in the unfolding history of your surroundings,site

Read: Screw Business as Usual by Richard Branson


A couple of thoughts that lingered after reading this book:

  • he really does know a lot of people
  • he appears to know even more famous people
  • he makes it seem so easy, to do good to do better
  • it still seems to be easier to do good to do better once you’ve reached the kind of situation he has than from a starting position

Have you read the book? What do you think?создание