Promoted Tweets: killed by it’s own features?

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  • Promoted tweets via Twitter are sold for $100,000 or more.

  • Many in advertising and marketing find it more cost effective to simply establish a Twitter account for free and target customers as they wish.

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New formula shows who’s really top of the tweeters (via @dubber)

How would one compute the severity of an actual virus? Isn’t this similar?

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The most influential Twitter feeds don’t necessarily have the most followers. That’s the insight given by a new technique for ranking twitterers, which has been used to create a chart of the top 100 news-media Twitter feeds.

The new system is different from conventional web page rankings, which rely on the PageRank algorithm developed by Larry Page at Google. This judges that a page is important if other important pages link to it, so a website’s rank mostly comes from analysis of the pattern of links to and from other websites.

The new method of ranking throws up some surprises. For example, the team found that the most popular twitterers are not necessarily the most influential. Popular feeds may reach many followers, but if tweets are rarely passed on they do not spread. The most influential Twitter feeds, on the other hand, are the ones with followers who retweet the messages and persuade passive followers to become active.



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Twitter launches Site Streams to eliminate rate limits for tweets about you

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Twitter has just announced a new beta service called Site Streams that sounds like it will blow our minds.

Basically, what this seems to promise is a way for websites and apps that let their users sign into sites with OAuth to quickly integrate a real-time flow of updates – without actually seeing it in action yet, it sounds like it could be a kind of competitor to Facebook widgets that have become pretty ubiquitous among many websites, including major publishers. It will be very interesting to see the first few implementations of Site Streams.



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