What are you made of when you’re by yourself? That is the essence of cool to me.”

Watch this, read Tipping Point, get to it.

Amplify’d from vimeo.com

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3 Things The Music Industry Can Learn From Gaming

Just the Music Industry?

Amplify’d from www.hypebot.com
#1: Consumers like to be social while they are entertained
#2: Consumers like to personalise their entertainment.
#3: Consumers want to gain status through competition.Read more at www.hypebot.com

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Live Performances Should Be Like Church

This might actually apply to a lot of companies as well.

Amplify’d from www.musicthinktank.com

If there’s one thing I learned from my former years playing in houses of worship, it’s that the Sunday morning experience is designed for maximum effectiveness. Granted, some churches are more finely tuned than others, but the principles of your average worship service should apply to every single concert you play.

Start with an engaged crowd.
Appeal to all five senses.
Audience Participation!
Speak their language.
Give them a mission.Read more at www.musicthinktank.com

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