The Power of One Tweet (by @baekdal) #analysis

The point is something I have been saying for several years. Social is not a thing, it is a stream. You have to think of sharing as something that has to flow naturally through everything you do.

A tweet is like a drop of water. Alone it makes no diff…

The point is something I have been saying for several years. Social is not a thing, it is a stream. You have to think of sharing as something that has to flow naturally through everything you do.

A tweet is like a drop of water. Alone it makes no difference, but when it rains you get soaked.seo контент это

Free of Charge For Just $199 – (by @baekdal)

If you behave badly, word about it spreads. Some for good behavior. What would be the obvious choice for you?

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I said, “Great, but why exactly are giving me all this for free?”

And, then she continued blabbering about Whitesmoke at which point she kind of mentioned, in the middle of a sentence, that I just had to pay a one time fee.

She then continued enthusiastically to try to convince me of all the benefits, but I pressed on, and finally she revealed that the price would be $199. Keep in mind that the software I had already purchased only costs $69. I wasn’t exactly feeling very VIP at this moment. It was like paying premium for software I will probably never use.

This had nothing to do with them trying to be nice. It was probably just the result of their executives learning that they had a lot of one-time customers. They were really just trying to squeeze more money out of them, by fooling people into thinking they are selected for special VIP treatment.




Yahoo, Sell Flickr – or set it free! – (by @baekdal)

God, I hope they listen!

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This was why MySpace failed. Social channels don’t belong in broadcast focused media companies. Flickr is a social channel, it is not “media”.

Yahoo needs to sell Flickr, or set it free. Flickr could still be great, but their window of opportunity is quickly disappearing. Don’t let it wither away. It is much too valuable for that.



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