10 Ways to Fit Music Promotion in the Rest of Your Life

Just replace ‘band’ with ‘start-up’ of you want the entrepreneurial version

Amplify’d from feeds.musicmarketing.com

Chances are good that you will be wearing several ‘hats’ as you attempt to establish your new band on the scene.  Sure, you make great music and that’s the most important thing.  But you are also the only one who is promoting your music—so you act as a marketer, PR rep, advertiser, web guru, and business manager—sometimes all in the same day!  And of course, you probably have a whole existence outside the band, too.  Family, friends, a day job—you know— a life.

You don’t have to bring your whole life to a standstill just to be in a band.  Your music is a part of who you are—so take it with you everywhere you go.   Here are some ways that you can promote your band while going about your daily business.

Read more at feeds.musicmarketing.com


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Seth Godin endorses The Mesh

Amplify’d from sethgodin.typepad.com

Gansky has written the most insightful book about new economy business models since The Long Tail, and if you’re not facile in understanding and working with the key concept behind this book, it’s going to cost you time and trouble.

In short, the Mesh outlines how sharing resources and information creates an entirely new class of commerce. When you travel to another city, you don’t buy a house. You stay in a hotel. A hotel, because it allows hundreds of people a year to share a single room, is a mesh business.

Read more at sethgodin.typepad.com


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