Seth Godin endorses The Mesh

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Gansky has written the most insightful book about new economy business models since The Long Tail, and if you’re not facile in understanding and working with the key concept behind this book, it’s going to cost you time and trouble.

In short, the Mesh outlines how sharing resources and information creates an entirely new class of commerce. When you travel to another city, you don’t buy a house. You stay in a hotel. A hotel, because it allows hundreds of people a year to share a single room, is a mesh business.



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Nieuwe website:, en nieuw boek van Arnoud Engelfriet #ipc10

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boek-bezorgd-doos-de-wet-op-internet-editie-2010.jpgVandaag speciale aandacht voor de nieuwe juridische weblog IT en Recht, het zusje van Boek 9 dat zich richt op IT- en internetrecht in het algemeen. Een buitengewoon mooi initiatief. De berichten die er nu al staan, geven een mooi inzicht in de rechtspraak op dit gebied, en tot mijn vreugde wordt er ook echt commentaar geleverd door de plaatsende juristen. Zo mag ik het zien!



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The optimal term for copyright: 15 years? #ipc10 (via @dubber)

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There’s an article in Techdirt today that discusses just how many books would be available in the public domain if copyright had stayed at its original length. It also references a research article that concludes that the optimal term for copyright is 15 years [PDF link].

I’ve argued in the past in favour of a five-year copyright term, but with indefinite renewal for works that are commercially active, and a ‘use it or lose it’ clause to encourage both a more active commercial exploitation and distribution of a wider array of works and a more vibrant and healthy public domain.

Because far from providing ‘protection’, in most cases, blanket copyright is dooming recordings to be lost to history.



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