Twitterfountain als ogen naar de buitenwereld

Hoei, hier word ik trots van! En nog mooiere versies van Twitterfountain zijn in voorbereiding.

Amplify’d from

1 van de onderdelen van de werkzaamheden daar was de implementatie van een, een mooi stuk visueel techniek die het jou mogelijk maakt om de foto’s geplaatst op en en ook  de tweets met elkaar in een “mashup”, gefilterd op Hashtag, visueel weer te geven.

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A big fat thanks to record execs

In Dutch we would say that Rolling Stone has butter on its head for putting it to the execs like this. Then again, this apparently is from 1999, when someone at RS actually still had a good sense of what was going to happen.

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Baekdal on why digital ads don’t work, and traditional ads do

Right now, the (online) advertising market is fueled by many clueless marketeers who does not understand why their ads do not work. Followed by clueless media people who mistakenly believe that the size and interactivity of the format are the key element.

You can take advantage of that. You can lower your value to easily digested snacks that attracts many ad impressions. But by doing so it will also be impossible for you to get people to pay money for the articles.

The best strategy is to focus on creating value. Advertising in itself is worthless. Extending the value around your product is worthwhile.



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