The real world gets an “Online Tipjar” with the Flattr Android app

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Flattr, the service that lets visitors “tip a dime” to their favourite websites, is now easy to use in the real world too thanks to the launch a new Android app called Flattr4Android.

Let’s say you’re a street artist or a musician; by creating a Flattr QR code and having it displayed when you perform, passers-by can give you money simply by using the Flattr app to scan the code. This is then logged against those people’s Flattr accounts and at the end of the month you get a payment along with everyone else they Flattr-ed both online and offline.



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When flux is inhibited…

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…slow death takes over. Contrast Texas and the other 49 states with the European Union. Between 1980 and 1995 Europe protected 12 million governmental jobs, and in the process of fostering stasis lost 5 million jobs in the private sector. The United States, fostering flux, saw a staggering 44 million old jobs disappear from the private sector. But 73 million new jobs were generated, for a net gain of 29 million, and in the process the United States kept its 12 million government jobs, too. If you can stand the turmoil, flux triumphs.

This notion of constant flux is familiar to ecologists and those who manage large networks. The sustained vitality of a complex network requires that the net keep provoking itself out of balance.



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The Many Trends of 2011 – (by @baekdal)

boil down to only four. Looking forward to his posts on these four.

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  • The two trends that create every other trend – and how to spot a fad.
  • How social media has just started, and how social culture is next.
  • The shift from distribution to consumption.
  • The source, channel, and the new destinations.



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