Elektra Records Founder Comments on YouTube, Blogs and the Future of Music

Jac Holzman isn’t fazed by social media at all. Some quotes:”your friends are your best filters”, “albums are very tricky to make”, “people can tell when they’re being sold something”.

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Brenden Mulligan’s Starting A Music Startup Series

looking forward to all three parts!

Amplify’d from www.hypebot.com
This series will be broken into 3 parts:

  1. Foundational Metrics: In order to build a company, it’s important to understand some of the key metrics around the eco-system. These are things you might typically see in a business plan. Metrics like market size, willingness to pay, and exit potential.

  1. Value Approaches: We’ll look at some different approaches to take when offering something to the artist market. We’ll also explore how companies are doing with these approaches now.

  1. Individual Topics requested by you: This part is all you guys. You tell me what you want to know. I’m a pretty open person (most ArtistData users will tell you that) so I’m happy to share whatever. Just ask and we’ll see if it can turn into a topic.
This post is part of the Starting a Music Startup series by Brenden Mulligan, which focuses on building a company that creates online products for musicians. Mulligan founded ArtistData, which was recently acquired by Sonicbids, and can be found on Twitter at @bmull.
Brenden Mulligan’s Starting A Music Startup SeriesRead more at www.hypebot.com

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